What it is

The SuperAcao Jovem (Youth SuperAction) is a program for integral education, oriented for adolescents and young people in the 8th and 9th grades of Elementary School and also for those in High School. In the Program, students practice a new way of seeing, thinking and acting in relation to youth. In teams, they act effectively to solve learning and social problems in the classroom and also design and put into practice projects to improve school and community. The Program promotes direct impact on their learning process by approaching central subjects of the formal school curriculum, such as Mathematics and the Portuguese language in a modern way.


The target of the Program is to contribute to youth education by improving central issues related to learning such as interest, socialization, adhesion to school and thinking abilities necessary to learning throughout life. Therefore, it stimulates youth protagonism and invests in reading and in problem solving as tools to qualify young people, to strengthen their autonomy, social participation, permanent education and the work world. How it works
The SuperAcao Jovem (Youth SuperAction) Program prepares educators and students to be able to recognize youth potential to be, to live together, to learn and to produce. Young people are encouraged to look at themselves as the solution and not the problem. Teachers are trained to teach young people through activities focused on the students, on youth protagonism, on collaborative learning and on education through projects. Young people learn in teams, by solving problems that affect the classroom, the school, community and their own learning process.

This educational solution can be dealt with in workshops offered in full time schools, in reading and math classes, in interdisciplinary projects, or yet in libraries and other educative opportunities offered by the school.

Where it takes place

SuperAcao Jovem (Youth SuperAction) is public policy in the State of Sao Paulo school system, in partnership with the Full Time School Program and the project of Reading Room; in the Federal District and in the cities of Itatiba, Sao Roque and Bebedouro. The results
– The Program contributes to increase 50% of the number of students utterly literate, when compared to students in schools that are not part of the Program.
– In 2009, 2.146 learning problems at school and in communities were solved by young people.
– Young people start reading by their own initiative: 6 books per year against an average of 1.6 among Brazilian students.

Program numbers in 2010

Youth assisted: 152,388
Teachers trained: 2,339
Municipalities reached: 184 in 1 state and the Federal District

source: © Instituto Ayrton Senna