The president of the Ayrton Senna Institute, Viviane Senna, quoted Teresina’s team as a reference during her speech at the 360 ° Literacy Seminar, an event to discuss the theme from the perspective of integral education. Techniques in the Municipal Secretariat of Education (Semec) are in São Paulo at the invitation of the Institute to participate in the exchange of experiences.

Viviane Senna Education

In revealing the country’s best results when it comes to age / grade distortion, Viviane presented the case of Teresina, who managed to reduce considerably the number of students who were out of the correct school year. In 2001, 26% of students in grades 1 to 4 were experiencing this distortion, falling to only 5% in 2007. The change took place in the early years of the City Hall partnership with the Ayrton Senna Institute.

“Teresina comes not only correcting this flow of schooling, but also enhancing learning,” said the president. “This is not casual, but the result of hard work. They are consistent efforts in a very serious way and committed to evidence of what really works, “he added.

Teresina’s team also distributed the book “ABC: Literacy in the Teresina Municipal Network”, which registers programs and literacy projects developed in the teaching units of the capital. The material is a compilation of strategies that have been raising the results and opening up ways to take Teresina to the reference level for the other Brazilian municipalities.

“So much emotion and pride to see our work featured in such a grandiose event,” said Semec’s Executive Education Manager, Irene Lustosa. For the coordinator of the Teresina curriculum update, Celina Lira, the seminar is also a source of new learning. “It’s a public policy and literacy management class. Much learning and new looks for analysis of results, “he concludes.