For the first time in the Northeast, the traveling exhibit Senna Emotion, most on the personal and professional trajectory of the triple world champion of Formula 1, will be open to the public in Bahia Shopping in Salvador, from next October 10 and ends November 8. The exhibition is free and will provide the Bahian public a chance to check closely original items from the family collection. Success for the cities that passed this year, the show brought together in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia more than 73,000 fans who could check closely the attractions Senna Emotion, which is divided into three thematic areas: Values of a Champion, The Myth of Formula 1 and Ayrton Senna of Brazil.


The steps, the public will be invited to dive on a journey full of multi-sensory experiences that are generating great impact among fans since the premiere of the show in 2015, in May, in Rio. “For Bahia Shopping is an honor to receive a show which brings together objects and items that helped build the story of a great man who has always been proud to represent Brazil. Fans of the ‘Good Land “can not miss the chance to see this unique show about Ayrton Senna,” the superintendent of Bahia Sergio Magalhaes Shopping.

According to Bianca Senna, Branding director of Instituto Ayrton Senna and triple champion’s niece, the exhibition brings together valuable part of the Career memory of one of the greatest drivers in the history of Formula 1. “This is the first time will take an exhibition of Ayrton to the Northeast, where we know he has many fans. The attractions are interactive and provide an entertaining experience to the public and information to younger generations who did not follow the career of Ayrton, “he says.

The whole show is inspired by the logic of smart environments that have a strong ability to empathize with the public. “The interactive language is interesting for thematic exhibitions, so that the information transmitted over the experience more attractive, fun and better understood by the public,” says Karina Israel, Executive Director of YDreams Brazil, the company responsible for producing the shows.

In the first exhibition to the public, one of the areas that was most successful was precisely the interactive experience with virtual reality goggles. In this room, you can experience an interactive and novel solution: with virtual reality goggles, the visitor is invited to sit in the pilot’s position and track champion in back on the track of Interlagos, complete with idol comments on each point of the circuit . “It’s a unique experience. Demand was so high in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, we increase the places available for this part of the show in Brasilia, with more glasses and chairs and the impact of visitors was great. Many of them said they really felt inside in an F1 car and were ecstatic with a turn narrated by Ayrton. So we kept this area with plenty of space in Salvador, “says Bianca.

Values of a Champion

In the “values of a champion”, visitors will have the opportunity to know a little better Ayrton ‘family’. Support at home has always been fundamental to the success of the champion. As a child, age 4, he received the first father kart, and has since developed a passion for speed. With this incentive, he built his career based on their values, as determination, perfection, dedication, resilience and pride of being Brazilian.

Bahia Shopping clients can see the images of childhood and family moments, and see and take pictures with the replica of the first pilot kart. A digital and interactive album tells stories with pictures of the time. Finally, there is a thumbnail selection of F1 cars and their racing teams.

The F1 myth

Already in the ‘Myth of Formula 1’, visitors can see how their dedication has made child’s play perpetuate itself in all forms by now. It is an immersive environment presenting Senna as a driver, through a projection mapped on the wall. In sequence, visitors can interact with a projection to discover, through testimonials, what they thought about Senna your friends, other fans and motorsport professionals.

In an interactive showcase will be personal effects that were part of everyday rider of the day, all unique and exclusive exhibition. Through a screen you can find details of each of the 41 Senna wins in F1, whether cornering, communications radio and vibration at each celebration. In the center of the room will appear on the trophy that is considered one of the most important of Ayrton’s career, the 1991 Brazil Grand Prix, in a historic race full of challenges and emotions. A video will remember this moment where Senna had to take McLaren to the end only with the sixth gear.

Ayrton Senna of Brazil

And in the ‘Ayrton Senna of Brazil’, visitors can see the relationship of love, admiration and return to the Brazilian people. In this space will display one of the biggest attractions of the exhibition: through technology ‘Video Mapping’, a scenic drive wins the forms of all machines that Senna immortalized in Formula 1. With one touch, the visitor triggers an audiovisual show that simulates images of the four racing teams that ran: Toleman, Lotus, McLaren and Williams. The public can also enjoy a display of objects, including the helmet with which Senna was triple champion at the Suzuka Circuit in Japan in 1991 as part of a holographic environment. After all, the visitor can still, through an augmented reality solution, make a photo with GP trophy Brazil and then receive on your email. The SENNA documentary will be shown in its entirety in a space reserved for the fans.

The show in Salvador will be the last held later this year. Conceived and developed by YDreams Brazil, an international company specializing in interactive technology, and in partnership with the Instituto Ayrton Senna, exposure Senna Emotion was produced with funds from the Rouanet Law, through the Ministry of Culture, and has the official sponsorship Drugstores Pacheco, Itaú and Bahia Shopping.