Sunday 9th January 2011 was an evening where F1 and Ayrton Senna Fans from around the world all came together to watch Asif Kapadias Senna film.

Despite me leaving my Blu-Ray copy at uni about 7 O’clock, much to my excitment, i remembered i had a digital copy in my Itunes (this is why buying triple play blu rays is a good thing!!) so come 8PM i fired this up and proceeded to watch the film with tweeps from around the world!


I found the whole thing i little surreal to be honest watching a film with people from all over the world VIA the twitter medium sounds like the most absurd idea ever but it actually worked really well and i found it great to watch the film with fellow Senna Fans using the #SENNAwatch hash tag.

Together we all shared  the highs and the lows  of one of the best racing drivers to have ever have lived. I want to specifically mention the 1994 Imola race, I found it really weird how not one person reacted in the same way. Despite knowing what was coming up most of us sat through the awful scenes from that race (Although some people had to turn the film off). I felt a collective pain with people taking part 3 times over the next 20 minutes or so, first with Barirchellos crash, Second with the passing of Ratzenberger And finally when Senna came around tamburello for the last time.

At that moment a raw emotion hit me, but it felt as though this emotion was shared buy people not only from the UK but from around the world. It took me a few minutes to be able to tweet but after a while we had a period of reflection and i guess celebration of the life of Ayrton. This to me is the glory of Twitter to be able to share a moment like that with people i have never met to me was really surreal and special moment unlike anything i have ever experienced before.

My hat is off to the person behind the @SENNAwatch account, you have truly organised a special thing here and i was proud to have been able to participate!
