The president of the Ayrton Senna Institute, Viviane Senna, visited presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro (PSL). The son of presidential candidate Carlos Bolsonaro, who is an alderman in Rio, appears in a YouTube video showing her an Ayrton Senna helmet. He seems to be thrilled after embracing the pilot’s sister.
Viviane is one of the most important names in the third sector related to education in the country. The institute that presides makes partnerships with governments to support schools. One of the big flags today is the defense of so-called social-emotional skills – such as empathy, problem solving, and teamwork. For Viviane, they should be increasingly present in the curricula.
Joice Hasselmann was present at the meeting and posted a photo on the social networks. The director of the Ayrton Senna Institute, Mozart Neves Ramos, also attended the meeting. He was once Secretary of Education of Pernambuco and was even quoted as Michel Temer’s Minister of Education. Some people believe he – or even Viviane – could be on the list of ministries for the portfolio.