From the eyeball-slicing Spanish surrealist to the ‘enigmatic and spiritual’ Formula 1 driver, a who’s who of Boosh big-ups
Can you be in love with a dead racing driver? I’m not even into motor racing, but I watched the Senna documentary and I just thought he was amazing: insanely good and completely single-minded, but also really enigmatic and spiritual.
Everyone in this country’s quite frightened by spirituality. In South America they talk a lot about being guided by a force, which makes us panic: “What force? What did it look like? Was it wearing a hat? Who do I phone up to get my own force?” Senna’s like a modern-day hero. His racing was almost like an act of poetry because it was so extreme. I’ve taken to drawing him quite a lot, and we thought about doing an animation for the show with Senna as a kind of superhero. But then [Luxury Comedy co-director] Nigel said he looked like the Stig from Top Gear.
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