Thee Business Leadership Group (Lide) in Ceará promotes a speech on education (December 18). The event will be attended by the president of the Ayrton Senna Institute, Viviane Senna, who for more than 23 years has developed works in the area aimed at children and young people from all regions of Brazil.

Viviane Senna Lalli

The lecture is aimed at members and guests of Lide Ceará and is sponsored by Edson Queiroz and Dias Branco groups, as well as support from Pague Menos and 3 Corações groups.

“One of the pillars for thinking about development is education. That is why we invite Viviane Senna to share her experience with us and to point out the points she considers fundamental in this area. Ceará has been receiving significant results in this area, but there is still much to go forward. Therefore, we consider important the debate with Viviane on the subject “, justifies the president of the group, Emília Buarque.

Viviane Senna is a psychologist with a psychotherapist role for adults and children. She is the only Brazilian member of the Adult Friends group of the World’s Children’s Prize, which also includes Queen Silvia of Sweden, Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, among others.