With the support of technology, about 250 educators from the Santa Catarina state network started this week a new stage of the training offered by the Ayrton Senna Institute. The course in the EaD modality is part of the implementation of the proposal of Integral Education in the Integral Time for High School, developed in partnership with the teaching network of Santa Catarina and begun this year. The proposal foresees training actions for school and regional managers, trainers of the Education Department and teachers, mixing in-person and distance learning moments.
Since 2016, educators have been participating in face-to-face training to better understand the proposal and also to receive support in planning their activities throughout the school year. The online stage for teachers aims to support the development of the proposal through distance mediation strategies. In the case of the coordinators, the course will also allow for reflection and sharing of practice of pedagogic meetings, as well as follow-up of the implementation of the program in the partner units, focusing on the ongoing training and in-service of the school teams. In the course of the course, the trainers of the Education Department will be able to diagnose the potential of these formative processes, besides having a space destined especially to the exchange of good practices, reports of experiences and materials to support future formations.
“EaD allows flexibility for professionals to access content according to availability, guaranteed higher training hours,” says Maria Carolina Paseto, project manager in the area of Educational Solution Development at the Ayrton Senna Institute. The specialist emphasizes that the course is carried out in a virtual environment of EaD developed by the Secretariat of Education of Santa Catarina and already known to the educators of the network. “It is interesting because it is a joint construction, which offers sustainability for the proposal and allows the appropriation of work by the educational network”
According to the project manager, another advantage of distance learning is the possibility of monitoring the pace and direction of the proposal’s actions, ensuring alignment during the implementation process. “The course allows addressing specific questions in each area of knowledge and also offers a return of technical agents almost instantaneously through virtual forums,” he adds.
One of the great differentials of EaD training is the creation of a community of practices and professional development, in which teachers can share their experiences in the classroom with educators from other schools scattered throughout the State. The constant communication between trainers and participants will enable immediate feedback to the doubts and practical development issues, helping to engage the participants.
“This is the first moment we have with this group in the online environment, but we hope that the space will serve for the exchange between the educators of the schools that integrate the proposal, thinking of this space as an environment of exchange, reflection on practice and development while Teachers. We are very excited about this process, “explains Maria Carolina.
Another highlight of the online environment is the openness for school managers to participate as observers of teacher training, opening a space for topics studied in virtual space to be taken to schools, in their moments of pedagogical work with teachers. EaD training will be conducted in four stages throughout this year. The next phases will take place in the months of June, September and November. At the same time, educators will continue to participate in face-to-face meetings, which will be interspersed with virtual moments, so as to offer maximum support so that everyone feels confident in putting into practice the planned activities.
source: Ayrton Senna Institute