Instituto Ayrton-Senna

A very serious education problem in Brazil is the high level of school failure that leads millions of children and youngsters to increase the age-grade distortion rates. This happens because of an educational system which still fails to deliver quality education to students, especially in the States of the North and Northeast regions, where Piauí is at.

This State still features on the 2013 ranking with 34,7% of its students behind in their elementary studies, but has been investing to reduce this percentage. In four years, it achieved an 18% drop, while Brazilian average fell 14%.

This result is a consequence of public policies to improve education, like the partnership with the Instituto Ayrton Senna, whose educational programs have led hundreds of school leaders to believe their students are capable of learning and passing grades. Dropout has been decreasing and more children are moving forward in their studies with enthusiasm. The average passing rate at the municipal public systems that partner Instituto Ayrton Senna surpasses 90% and the qualification of results in external evaluations such as the Prova Brasil (large scale government evaluation) is a goal to be reached.

Thank all of you who contributed to our program so far, and allowed us to invest US$ 12.717 to benefit the children of Piauí. But we still need to raise further resources in order to reach our goal and we are counting on you to improve these children’s lives.

The situation is starting to change at Piaui

Brazil, with almost 200 million inhabitants, is a country of extremes. The country has the 7th World GDP, however, it is one of the countries with the highest social inequalities, falling down to the 84th place in the human development world ranking. The lack of a quality public education is one of the reasons for this scenario, since we don’t teach and prepare children and young people to be active participant citizens and good professionals in the future.

In the Brazilian northeast area, where more than 50 million people live, the situation is even more difficult. There, only 42.5% of the children attending the first three years of elementary school, can read and understand a text (results measured by the Final Evaluation of Brazilian Literacy Cycle – 2011).

But, with your valuable contribution, this situation is starting to change at the state of Piauí – located at northern Brazil. In Teresina (capital of Piauí), 83,2% of the students benefited by Instituto Ayrton Senna´s educational programs, are literate in the second year of elementary school. This means that eight out of ten public school students are able to read and write in the correct age, as expected by the Brazilian Ministry of Education.

Comparing Piauí to all northeastern Brazil, we have reached a big victory! But there is a lot more to do.

Piauí still faces the problem of illiteracy, which lead to failures and school dropouts. The state  also deals with the lack of teachers prepared to teach at public schools. A good teacher plays an important role in the educational performance of students, especially in the first two years of elementary school. Literacy at the correct age is essential for the consolidation of the learning process during school years. Our challenge is to prepare teachers to ensure the quality of education in public schools. And you can help us to overcome this challenge.

Ayrton Senna, the three times F1 world champion, used to say that we need a lot of dedication to overcome problems and achieve our goals. And we are sure that, in this race to guarantee quality public education in the state of Piauí, your participation is really essential. You can help us guarantee a better future for thousands of children and young people.

The donations we are receiving at GlobalGiving, raise our hope of winning this battle against illiteracy and school dropout.

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source | copyright © : Instituto Ayrton Senna