Disney Pixar, producer of the movie Cars 3, honored the triple Formula 1 champion Ayrton Senna with the creation of a special miniature when realized the launching of the film in Brazil. Claudia Neufeld (marketing director of Disney) and Thereza Pestana (marketing manager) went to the Ayrton Senna Institute to deliver the customized miniature with the iconic colors of the Brazilian pilot’s helmet.
“We were very happy with the Disney tribute and visit here at the Ayrton Senna Institute. We believe that the winning story of the Lightning McQueen fits perfectly with that of Ayrton, “says Paola Santilli, marketing and events manager for the Institute. Directed by Brian Fee and produced by Kevin Reher, Cars 3 appeared in the movie on July 13 and is available in the DVD and Blu-ray versions.
Ayrton Senna Institute